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- Six Month Industrial Training Syllabus
Industrial Training
Six Months Industrial Training Syllabus
- Web Request Life Cycle
- Introduction to Web Hosting and Domain Servers
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Tags, Attributes and Elements
- Tables,Images and Frames
- Internal Links, External Links, Absolute & Relative paths to include links and images
- Form Elements
- Spans and Divs
- Meta Tags
- Videos, Audios and Canvas
- Applying CSS (External, Internal and Inline)
- Selectors, Properties and Values
- Textonomy, Fonts and Icons
- Margins and Padding
- Boxes, Layouts and Media
- Positionings
- Pseudo-classes
- Introduction with Responsive Web Design and Twitter Bootstrap
- Bootstrap - 12 Column Grid System
- Bootstrap – Layouts, Containers, Panels and Wells
- Bootstrap- Typography
- Bootstrap – Forms
- Bootstrap – Components (Buttons, Lables, Navbars and Images etc)
- Bootstrap – Utility Classes
- Introduction with Less Framework
- Less Framework – Variables and Mixins
- Less Framework – Nested Rules
- Less Framework – Using Operations(+,-,*,/)
- Less Framework – Importing Less Files
- Less Framework - Loops and Conditional CSS
- Introduction to client-side scripting
- Syntax Basics
- JS Data Types
- JS Operators/ Comparisons
- JS Conditional Statements
- JS Loops (For, While and Do While)
- JS Control Statements (if,else and switch)
- JS Objects
- JS User Defined Functions
- JS Predefined Functions – String, Math, Date and Array
- JS Document Object Model
- JS Browser Object Model (Window, Location and Navigation)
- JS Popup Boxes – Alert Box, Confirm Box and Prompt Box
- Jquery Fundamentals
- Jquery Events
- Jquery Effects
- Traversing the DOM
- Form Validation using Jquery
- Ajax
- Using Jquery Plugins (Datepicker and Form Validator)
- Introduction to Server-Side Scripting Languages
- Introduction to Apache HTTP Server and Xampp
- PHP Fundamentals
- Data Types, Variables, Constants, Expressions, Operators, Control Structures and Loops
- PHP Arrays
- PHP Associative Arrays, Array Iteration, PHP Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Array Functions
- Functions
- Handling POST, GET Requests in PHP
- File Handling
- File Uploads and Downloads
- Send E-mails
- Cookies
- Sessions
- Error Debugging
- Error Handling
- Exception Handling
- Server Side Form Validations
- Introduction to Databases and DBMS
- Different Between DBMS and RDBMS
- Create Databases
- MySQL Data Types
- Create Tables
- Database Normalization
- SQL Constraints and Indexes
- Create Views
- Insert, Update, Delete operations on tables
- Searching data into tables
- Grouping and Aggregate functions
- Joining Tables
- Connecting MySQL Server from PHP code
- Execute Commands on MySQL Server from PHP code
- Fetch data from MySQL and display on Web page
- Insert and Update data in tables from PHP code
- Delete rows in tables from PHP code
- Finding the number of rows
- Frequently used MySQL functions
- Looping through database
- Dealing with Dates and Times
- Objects and Classes
- Usage of magic functions(__construct, self, parent and $this)
- Introduction to Object Orientation
- Inheritance
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Class Autoloading
- Usage of Static Classes and Static Methods
- Usage of Traits
- Type Hinting
- 3-Tier Architecture
- Introduction to Frameworks
- MVC Framework
- CMS Framework
- Introduction to Laravel
- Introduction to Composer
- Laravel Installation
- Routing in Laravel
- Handling Requests and Responses
- Creating Controllers
- Creating Models
- Creating Services
- Creating Views
- 3-Tier Architecture
- Database Configuration
- Helpers in Laravel
- Form Validation in Laravel
- Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
- Using Photoshop Tools
- Layers, Grouping and Smart Objects
- Brochure and Logo Designing
- Generating PDF Output
- Designing a Logo
- Design Banners for Website
- Design Website Templates
- PSD to HTML/CSS conversion
During Project Development you will be exposed to all learned concepts, under the guidance of Project Managers. Our core focus is to make the students well verse with the different cycles of Software Development and to provide them hand on experience on LIVE PROJECTS. Excellent performers will be absorbed in the company.